Remember how Gus and Trudy had spent the sweltering day under the shed in the nice cool burrow? They couldn't figure out if anyone was living there. Well it stuck in Gus' mind that a perfectly good burrow should not go to waste. He started thinking about using it for a storage burrow or maybe even a workshop burrow. he had tossed the idea back and forth with Trudy.
"I don't know", said Trudy,"I think we lucked out that really hot day. That burrow is too nice not to be some one's home. Remember the straw that was there? It was fresh. I think someone lives there Gus."
Gus didn't believe Trudy (or rather he didn't want to believe Trudy). If he could have that burrow under the shed he wouldn't have to spend part of the summer scoping out a good burrow place and then digging it out, smoothing it out and finding fresh hay for it. Why should he go through all of that if a perfectly good burrow was sitting under the shed empty?
"I'm pretty sure it is empty," Gus mumbled.
"Pretty sure and positive are two different things Gus. You can't take what isn't yours. You should ask a round and check it out." Trudy gave a loud hoot and nestled her head under her wing. She was tired and she wasn't going to spend her nap time arguing about burrows with Gus.
Gus knew, deep down inside that Trudy was right. He was going to have to ask around and see if the burrow under the shed was really empty.
Gus walked around Bloomfield Avenue and asked everyone he met if they knew about the burrow. Many said that they thought the Opossum Family had moved in. Gus just took himself over to the burrow and knocked on the door.
Sure enough, Mrs. Opossum answered the door with a slew of baby opossums on her back. Gus explained how he and Trudy had used the burrow on the sweltering hot day and he apologized, but said he didn't realize anyone had been living there.
"It's OK ", said Mrs. Opossum,"We are living here for right now but if we ever move you will be the first to know". She invited Gus in for tea but Gus kept eyeing all those opossum babies, they were loud, drooly and constantly moving. he had a headache just looking at them. He thanked Mrs. Opossum but said he had promised Trudy that he was going to help her re feather her summer nest. He and Mrs. Opossum exchanged some pleasantries and then he went home.
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