Gus and Trudy heard lots of commotion going on in Elaine's house very very early Sunday morning. They saw flashing lights and heard people running into Elaine's house.
Trudy flew up to the window with Gus on her back and they looked in. SJ was not feeling well but the police and the paramedics were helping her. They were telling her that she needed to go to the hospital. SJ was scared but she knew her mm and dad would be with her and that the hospital would make her feel better.
Elaine was able to ride in the front seat of the ambulance while the paramedics took care of SJ in the back. Gus and Trudy flew n the ambulance window and Elaine let them ride in her pocket. They were worried about SJ and wanted to make sure she was OK.
When they all got to the hospital they rolled SJ in on a stretcher. Nurses came and took SJ' s temperature, bood pressure and then hooked her up to lots of machines. the machines looked and sounded scary to Gus and Trudy but they noticed that SJ was doing fine. SJ had to get a needle put in her arm. She did not like that but she knew it would only sting for a minute and then the nurses could take blood, give her medicine and give her fluids to make her feel better
Gus and Trudy snuggled into Elaine's pocket while they waited for some tests to be run on SJ. After manyhours the doctors came in and said that SJ had a virus but that she wuld be better in a little while.
Gus and Trudy were very happy. When SJ was going home they flew ahead and changed SJ's sheets and cleaned up her room. they left a note on her pillow telling her that they loved her and hoped she would get better quick.
Gus and Trudy knew it had been an exciting and scary night. But now the knew that if anything happened to them and they needed to call an ambulance they woudn't be scared. They also knew that it might hurt a ittle bit at the hospital but they wouldn't be scared there either.
They were very tired and so they went into their little house in the orderly garden on Bloomfield Avenue and promptly fell asleep.
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