Thursday, June 30, 2011
Gus and Trudy Enjoy a Lazy Day
Gus and Trudy love the summer as much as anyone else. Their real joy in the summer is to lay out in the sun and just rest. If it is too hot they will find a cool spot in the shade to rest. if it is too humid, they may find an empty burrow and rest in the coolness there. But, if it is a regular warm summer day they do love to just bask in the sun in the little garden on Bloomfield Avenue.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Emergency on Bloomfield Avenue!
Gus and Trudy heard lots of commotion going on in Elaine's house very very early Sunday morning. They saw flashing lights and heard people running into Elaine's house.
Trudy flew up to the window with Gus on her back and they looked in. SJ was not feeling well but the police and the paramedics were helping her. They were telling her that she needed to go to the hospital. SJ was scared but she knew her mm and dad would be with her and that the hospital would make her feel better.
Elaine was able to ride in the front seat of the ambulance while the paramedics took care of SJ in the back. Gus and Trudy flew n the ambulance window and Elaine let them ride in her pocket. They were worried about SJ and wanted to make sure she was OK.
When they all got to the hospital they rolled SJ in on a stretcher. Nurses came and took SJ' s temperature, bood pressure and then hooked her up to lots of machines. the machines looked and sounded scary to Gus and Trudy but they noticed that SJ was doing fine. SJ had to get a needle put in her arm. She did not like that but she knew it would only sting for a minute and then the nurses could take blood, give her medicine and give her fluids to make her feel better
Gus and Trudy snuggled into Elaine's pocket while they waited for some tests to be run on SJ. After manyhours the doctors came in and said that SJ had a virus but that she wuld be better in a little while.
Gus and Trudy were very happy. When SJ was going home they flew ahead and changed SJ's sheets and cleaned up her room. they left a note on her pillow telling her that they loved her and hoped she would get better quick.
Gus and Trudy knew it had been an exciting and scary night. But now the knew that if anything happened to them and they needed to call an ambulance they woudn't be scared. They also knew that it might hurt a ittle bit at the hospital but they wouldn't be scared there either.
They were very tired and so they went into their little house in the orderly garden on Bloomfield Avenue and promptly fell asleep.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Gus and Trudy Go Kayaking
Elaine woke up Gus and Trudy very early.
"Come on you two," she said," We are going kayaking today with everyone!"
Gus moaned. After his lily pad fiasco, he wasn't too keen about going into any time of boat. Trudy thought that this would be the best thing for Gus.
"You know Gus you have to just get back on the horse," hooted Trudy.
"It was a lily pad not a horse," Gus grumbled.
"You know what I mean", Trudy hooted.
Even with all of his grumbling Gus got himself ready. He and Trudy watched Elaine put the kayak in her car and then they headed for Toms River to meet all the family.
When they got to Toms River they drove to Cedar Creek. They unloaded the kayak and then they set off. Elaine insisted that Gus wear a life vest. Trudy didn't wear one because she was flying alongside of the kayak.
They spent the day drifting down the creek. It was very calm and Gus was very impressed with how beautiful it was. At the end of the day they landed on a sandy beach and had some supper. Then Elaine loaded the kayak back into the car. Gus climbed into the towel nest that Elaine had made for him. Trudy climbed into the nest too. She was very tired from flying all day.
It was starting to get dark and Elaine covered them both. She put on soft music and started the drive home. By the time she pulled into Bloomfield Avenue Gus and trudy were fast asleep. Very carefully Elaine picked them up and placed them in their little house in the orderly garden.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Gus and Trudy Pick Sweet Peas
Gus and Trudy were so excited. Even though Rosie the Groundhog had made a pig of herself in Elaine's garden, they were sure they had seen a ripe pea pod ready to be picked. It was their plan to run into the garden in between thunderstorms and pick that pea pod. They were worried that Rosie might get to it first.
It stormed most of the day. Lots of thunder and teeming rain.
But Gus and Trudy kept an eye on the window and as soon as they saw a break in the line of storms, They ran outside and picked that pea pod!
They ran right up the stairs to the deck and Trudy tap tap tapped on the sliding door and Elaine let them in. The three of them had a feast - one pea each!
Elaine said that the pea was delicious but she had just baked a chocolate cake and would Gus and Trudy mind tasting it for her to let her know if it was good?
Of course, Gus and Trudy being the friendly sort said that they would certainly taste the cake. Elaine suggested a big glass of cold milk to help them wash it down and they gladly accepted.
When they were finished, Gus and Trudy gave Elaine a hug and went back to their little house in the orderly garden on Bloomfield Avenue.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Gus Spends a Rainy Day Alone

It was still raining on Bloomfiled Avenue.
Gus thought that it would be a good idea to go fishing. After all, everyone knows that fish come to the surface more when it is raining. He invited Trudy to go along but she thought that since it was raining it would too dangerous to go out on the lily pad fishing.
"Gus, why don't you either wait for a sunny day or wait until we can find a sturdier boat."
"Trudy you worry too much," Gus said.
"Gus, you don't worry enough," Trudy hooted.
Trudy could not talk Gus out of going and Gus couldn't talk Trudy into going.
Gus went out on the lily pad by himself. he was OK for the first hour and then it began to rain really hard, thunder was cracking, and lightening was flashing. Gus was beginning to regret going fishing.
Gus couldn't control the lily pad and it was rushing him towards the sewer.
No! Not the sewer at the end of Bloomfield Avenue! Gus knew darn well what was waiting for him in that sewer at the end of Bloomfield Avenue. The sewer troll- ugly , drooly, really mean and hungry sewer troll!
Just as Gus was saying his prayers, out of the sky came a dark shape and SWOOP! Gus was plucked off the lily pad just as it went into the sewer.
Gus looked up at his rescuer - Trudy! Trudy hooted, "Gus , you need to worry a little more."
Gus laughed with relief. Trudy and Gus went home and sat in front of the warm fire drinking tea. Gus soon dozed off. It had been a very exciting day.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Gus and trudy on a Rainy Day

Then big flashes of light streaking across the sky.
A summer thunderstorm on Bloomfield Avenue.
It had been threatening to rain for the past two days. Gus and Trudy couldn't really plan to take any trips because they were very unsure about the weather. Trudy didn't want to take the chance of flying into a thunderstorm. Gus could understand that. He didn't like the lightening and the thunder made his house shake sometimes.
Gus and Trudy did enjoy a rainy day every now and then. If it was a light rain then they would run from mushroom to mushroom and splash in the puddles. If it was a big heavy downpour they would sit by the window and watch the rain water the garden. If it was a thunder and lightening storm they wold light a candle and tell stories until it had passed.
A day like today however was difficult. Sometimes it looked like the sun was trying to break out from behind the clouds. Sometimes the sky looked dark and angry and the wind started blowing like it would storm at any moment.
Gus and Trudy decided that today would be a "rest rest rest" day. The kind of day where they just lazed around the house. They could read or write. Bake cookies or sew. Whatever struck their fancy they could do. They had fun all day and at dinner time the thunder finally started. The rain began to fall.
"Perfect timing", said Gus," I love to hear the pitter patter of raindrops on he roof as I drift off to sleep."
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Abby Rides her Bike

Gus and Trudy were very excited. It was late in the evening and they heard many voices from the front of the yard on Bloomfied Avenue.
Trudy put Gus on her back and flew up into the trees in the front yard. They could see Abby getting on her new bicycle, with her helmet on, getting ready to ride her new bike (no training wheels) for the first time. Everyone was out front to watch. Dina ran behind Abby and let go and.... Abby kept pedalling and she was riding by herself!
Gus smiled a big smile when he heard all the clapping and cheers. He turned to Trudy,"Do you think Dorrie knows about this?"
Trudy hooted a reply, "yes, look she is hiding behind the big tree in th front yard."
"I hope she doesn't leave any footprints there and she doesn't get caught outside", Gus whispered.
Gus and Trduy watched Abby ridde her bike a few more times and then play hide and seek with the kids. Then they watched Abby grab Elaine's hand and bring her over to the big tree where Dorrie had been hiding.
Gus and Trudy looked at each other. Abby had discovered the footprints. They heard Elaine saying that she thought they were gnome footprints. They looked up and saw Dorrie giggling in Abby's window.
"I knew Abby would notice something," Gus said,"she notices everything."
Trudy gave a little hoot and she flew back to their house. Gus and Trudy were tired from all the excitement and they just wanted to have a snack and go to bed. Outside they could still hear Abby and Tommy playing outside. They sounded so happy and that made Gus and Trudy happy. They drifted off to sleep listening to the giggles.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Gus and Trudy Relocate
"Well it's summer," Gus grumbled, "Elaine has put the air conditioner on and it is driving me crazy!"
Poor Gus had spent another sleepless nap time. the air conditioner was on and Gus and Trudy lived right next to it.
"Talk to Elaine and ask her to move us just around he corner by the sunflowers," Trudy said, "I love the light over there anyway and we won't hear the air conditioner or be by the gutter." Trudy hated being by the gutter as much as Gus hated being by the air conditoner.
Gus and Trudy flew up to Elaine's window and tap tap tapped until Elaine came to see what was going on.
They explained their problems to her.
"Gus and Trudy, this is not a big problem. Let me put on my shoes and we will go right down into the garden and take care of this." Elaine said.
Elaine put on her flip flops and out the door she went. Down the deck stairs and through the garden gate. She checked on every plant on her way to Gus and Trudy's house. OK, maybe not EVERY plant, but Gus felt she was taking too long. It was almost time for his mid morning nap!
Gus and Trudy explained to Elaine exactly where they wanted their house placed. They told her where to place the large and small mushrooms. Trudy was very particular about where she wanted the flamingo placed. of course Gus wanted his "Better Gnomes and Gardens" Award placed in a prominent spot so that everyone who came to the house could see his major award. Finally it was time to place the jewels. Elaine left Gus and Trudy alone to place the jewels because she knew they would argue over the placement of each and every jewel.
Elaine spent about an hour in the garden checking on all the plants and lamenting over the ones that Rosie ate. She was very angry at Rosie. Then she went to check on Gus and Trudy. She knew they were pleased with the placement of their house because she could hear Gus' snoring and Trudy's hooting as they took their mid morning nap.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Who really lives in the burrow under the shed?

Gus and Trudy are very confused. They were told by Mrs. O herself, that she and the little opossums were currently taking up residence in the burrow under the shed. Gus had been there and had seen them in the burrow - with his own eyes!
But today Trudy had gone to the burrow to introduce herself to Mrs. O and the opossum babies and who did she run into? Rosie the groundhog! Rosie coming out from the burrow under the shed. Trudy had followed Rosie into Elaine's garden. That Rosie was out of control eating all of Elaine's sweet peas, green beans and kidney beans! She had even taken to digging up the onions and eating them!
Trudy tried screeching and flying around Rosie's head to chase her away - but she just kept on nibbling everything.
When she was done she ran right back to the shed and the burrow underneath it.
Trudy flew over to Gus to report what she had seen. Gus couldn't believe it.
"You know I was just in the burrow visiting Mrs.O - how can Rosie be in there now?"
Trudy hooted, still clearly upset from her encounter with Rosie in the garden, "I don't know what is going on here Gus - but Rosie is behaving very badly. She knows better than to go into Elaine's garden and eat the vegetables. And she knows that the Opossum family is living under the shed. What is she up to?"
What is Rosie up to, indeed?
Thursday, June 16, 2011
WARNING: To Free Ranging Gnomes

To all free ranging gnomes and their friends: It has come to our attention that there has been several instances of gnomes being captures in your area. The humans are using very clever traps. please be careful where you walk. Make sure you do not wander alone. Always have a buddy.
We have it on good authority that the gnomes are being used as slave gardeners and *gasp* in terrariums.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Opposums at Gus and Trudy's

Remember how Gus and Trudy had spent the sweltering day under the shed in the nice cool burrow? They couldn't figure out if anyone was living there. Well it stuck in Gus' mind that a perfectly good burrow should not go to waste. He started thinking about using it for a storage burrow or maybe even a workshop burrow. he had tossed the idea back and forth with Trudy.
"I don't know", said Trudy,"I think we lucked out that really hot day. That burrow is too nice not to be some one's home. Remember the straw that was there? It was fresh. I think someone lives there Gus."
Gus didn't believe Trudy (or rather he didn't want to believe Trudy). If he could have that burrow under the shed he wouldn't have to spend part of the summer scoping out a good burrow place and then digging it out, smoothing it out and finding fresh hay for it. Why should he go through all of that if a perfectly good burrow was sitting under the shed empty?
"I'm pretty sure it is empty," Gus mumbled.
"Pretty sure and positive are two different things Gus. You can't take what isn't yours. You should ask a round and check it out." Trudy gave a loud hoot and nestled her head under her wing. She was tired and she wasn't going to spend her nap time arguing about burrows with Gus.
Gus knew, deep down inside that Trudy was right. He was going to have to ask around and see if the burrow under the shed was really empty.
Gus walked around Bloomfield Avenue and asked everyone he met if they knew about the burrow. Many said that they thought the Opossum Family had moved in. Gus just took himself over to the burrow and knocked on the door.
Sure enough, Mrs. Opossum answered the door with a slew of baby opossums on her back. Gus explained how he and Trudy had used the burrow on the sweltering hot day and he apologized, but said he didn't realize anyone had been living there.
"It's OK ", said Mrs. Opossum,"We are living here for right now but if we ever move you will be the first to know". She invited Gus in for tea but Gus kept eyeing all those opossum babies, they were loud, drooly and constantly moving. he had a headache just looking at them. He thanked Mrs. Opossum but said he had promised Trudy that he was going to help her re feather her summer nest. He and Mrs. Opossum exchanged some pleasantries and then he went home.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Gus and Trudy Introduce Annalisa to the Zebra

it was late in the afternoon and Gus and Trudy overheard Annalisa lamenting over the fact that she had not met an animal friend. She was a little sad because many flamingos had come to be with Abby and Georgie the Monkey had come to live with Tommy. (Tommy had named the Monkey and now they were the best of friends).
Trudy felt bad for Annalisa. Gus said that Annalisa was not a little kid any more and didn't need to have a special animal look after her. Trudy argued with him. "Maybe Annalisa is not a little kid anymore and she doesn't need an animal to watch over her but it would be nice if she had an animal that was her friend."
Gus thought it over.
Trudy kept on talking,"You know Annalisa is going to be a teenager. Teenagers need friends more than anything else in the world."
Gus thought that over too.
Trudy still kept talking,"Annalisa needs a special friend that she can tell all her secrets to , someone who will never repeat anything, someone who will not gossip."
Gus thought and thought. out of the corner of his eye he saw Trudy open her beak to speak again and he quickly said,"Yes, yes you are right Trudy. Annalisa needs a special friend. I think Annalisa needs a magical friend."
Gus and Trudy thought and thought. Who or what would be a good magical friend for Annalisa?
Finally they agreed. They would ask Zebra (Annalisa would name him) to come and live with Annalisa. During the day Zebra would look like any other stuffed animal. But on certain nights Zebra would sprout wings and he and Annalisa would go flying out in the night together.
Gus and Trudy put a call out to - you guessed it - the Great Flamingo - and were told that very soon Annalisa would have her own friend coming to live with her.
Gus and trudy were very pleased with themselves. As reward to themselves they sat up and roasted marshmallows and made s'mores. After a while they went to bed satisfied in their minds, hearts and stomachs.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Gus and Trudy Meet the Monkey
When Gus and Trudy woke up this morning they smelled a peculiar smell. It seemed familiar to Trudy but she couldn't quite place it.
Finally Gus snapped his fingers, "I know it - bananas!"
"Bananas? Why does it smell like bananas?" Trudy was sure Gus was wrong.
They both heard some one or some thing at the same time. Gus and Trudy ran into the kitchen, where the noise came from , and they were amazed!
Standing in front of them was an honest to goodness real live monkey!
"Hi", the monkey said,"Where's Tommy?"
Gus explained that Tommy lived across the street. then he introduced himself and Trudy to the monkey.
"I would love to tell you what my name is," said the monkey," but until Tommy gives me a name you can just call me Monkey."
Monkey went on to explain that the Great Flamingo had sent Florrie and Dorrie to watch over Abby but felt that Tommy needed some looking after also. The Great Flamingo didn't want to send a delicate flamingo to watch over a little boy. the Great Flamingo decided that some one rough and tumble , some one who could be tough and cuddly at the same time needed to go and watch over Tommy.
"So that's how I wound up here. But I must have gotten a little lost in the dark. I hope I didn't scare you," Monkey said as he peeled another banana to eat.
Gus and Trudy told Monkey not to worry. They were just happy that Monkey had come to live on the street. But they didn't understand why Monkey didn't have and why Tommy had to name him.
"Well", said Monkey," The Great Flamingo feels that it is very important for a boy and his Monkey to have a special friendship. The Great Flamingo thinks that if the boy names his Monkey then he will take care not to loose him or get him very dirty."
Gus and Trudy understood . When Abby, Tommy and Dina went shopping, Gus and Trudy walked Monkey over to Tommy's house. They couldn't wait to see what would happen when Tommy came home.
"Be careful Gus", Trudy said, "The last time we were here you left footprints by the flowers and Abby noticed."
Gus and Trudy very carefully left Monkey at Tommy's and went back to their little house in the orderly garden on Bloomfield Avenue.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Meet Dorrie
Gus and Trudy spent the day inside Elaine's house because it was so warm. They were going to go back into the burrow and sleep but Elaine told them that a visitor had come to see them.
Gus and Trudy were shocked to see Dorrie, Florrie the Flamingo's sister, sitting on the kitchen counter.
Dorrie explained that the Great Flamingo had sent her to help keep an eye on Abby. The Great Flamingo figured that Florrie would watch Abby when she was outside and Dorrie would watch her when she was inside. Also, if Abby had to go somewhere, and it was OK with Dina, Dorrie could go also. (You have to remember flamingos are not welcome everywhere).
Dorrie went over to Abby's and rested on the shelf next to the door. Not very comfortable.
She looked around the living room and found the perfect spot to wait for Abby to come home - Abby's chair! So that is what Dorrie is doing right now - waiting for Abby to come home.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
A Sweltering Hot Day

Gus and Trudy were hoping to spend most of the day in their nice cool house. Unfortunately it was so hot that they couldn't even fall asleep.
Gus thought that if they could find an underground burrow they could rest there and be cooler. Trudy remembered that the shed in the backyard under the oak trees had a burrow underneath it.
Gus and Trudy made their way across the lawn and stood in front of the shed. They walked around to the side of the shed and peered into the burrow.
Gus cupped his hand around his mouth and called,"Hello down there! Anybody home?"
No one answered. Gus looked at Trudy. Trudy looked at Gus.
"We may as well go in and see what's what," Trudy said.
They both carefully climbed into the burrow under the shed. It smelled like clean dirt. And best of all - it was very cool.
Gus and Trudy fell asleep.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Island Beach State Park

The temperature was very very high today. Gus and Trudy heard Elaine say that her thermometer had hit 109 degrees. Elaine and Sara Jane had taken a drive down to Island Beach State Park and Gus and trudy heard them talking about how beautiful it was.
Gus and trudy waited until the sun was seting and then Gus climbed up on Trudy's back and off they flew. They followed the coast line and landed in Island Beach State Park.
Gus and Trudy walked to the edge of the water. They watched the waves rolling in and ran away from the water. They did this for a while. They tried very had not to get their feet wet. Finally they took off their shoes and let the waves wash up on their feet. The cool water felt really nice on their skin.
They walked along the shore line and collected some shells and sea glass to bring home with them. Gus didn't want to take too much because he knew that Trudy was going to have to carry the shells, the glass and him home.
Finally Gus and Trudy lay on their backs in the sand and gazed up at the stars in the sky. They looked so beautiful. trudy pointed out the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper to Gus. Gus pointed out the planet Venus to Trudy. As they both gazed up in to the sky they saw a falling star. Quickly they both made a wish.
The moon was setting low in the sky and Gus and trudy knew that it was time to head back home. They wanted to be back in their little house before the sun came up. They knew it was going to be another hot day .They hoped to sleep through the worst of it.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Florrie Roaming Around
Florrie is still watching over Abby. But she has also been seen roaming around the orderly garden on Bloomfield Avenue.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Sewer Troll at the End of Bloomfield Avenue

There are all kinds of wonderful creatures that live on Bloomfield Avenue. Gnomes, owls, good trolls, fairies and magic flamingos. Unfortunately at the end of Bloomfield Avenue, in the sewer next to the big white fence there also lives a horrible sewer troll.
Elaine new about the sewer troll when she moved into the house on Bloomfield Avenue. Sara Jane was a little girl when she learned of the troll. She knew to stay far away from the sewer and to not be whiny or mean. Sewer trolls love whiny, misbehaving children and often try to lure them into their sewers.
Gus and Trudy try to warn all the children on the street about the sewer troll.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Florrie Comes to Town

Gus and Trudy waited until everyone on Bloomfield Avenue fell asleep. They needed it to be quiet and dark for what they planned to do. Gus looked outside and was relieved that it was a little cloudy. He didn't want the moon lighting up the sky and showing off Trudy flying above.
Gus checked his watch. It was just about midnight. He craned his neck out of the window of his home. Trudy should just be here any minute, he thought.
And wouldn't you know it? Just above he could hear the flapping of Trudy's wings. He could hear the flapping of a different kind of wings also.
Right on time, he thought.
Trudy landed on the compost bin and her flying companion landed next to her.
Gus couldn't believe what he was seeing. An honest to goodness pink flamingo. Florrie the Flamingo had come all the way from Florida to spend the summer in NJ with Gus and Trudy. At the border of Maryland and New Jersey Trudy met up with Florrie and escorted her the rest of the way to Gus' house.
Florrie was going to spend the summer visiting with Gus and Trudy but she was also on a special mission from the Great Flamingo. Once in a great while the Great Flamingo would send out a very special flamingo to meet a very special child and that flamingo would be the child's Guardian Flamingo. Florrie was a very special flamingo. Across the street from Gus' garden was a very special little girl. Her name was Abby and she could see the gnomes and fairies. Because of this very special gift, the Great Flamingo thought she needed to be watched over for the summer.
Florrie, Gus and Trudy snuck across the street to Abby's house. Everyone was asleep. Florrie thanked Gus and Trudy and went to go stand by the side of the house. In the morning everyone on the street would find Florrie standing there. Everyone would think she was just another plastic flamingo that the gnomes had brought across the street.
But Abby would see through the plastic and know that Florrie was real and they would become very good friends.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Gus and Trudy Spend a Relaxing Time at Home
Gus and Trudy spent this glorious sunny day resting at home in the orderly garden on Bloomfield Avenue.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Gus and Trudy Go to Rutger's University

This morning Elaine went with her firend Linda to Rutger's University in New Brunswick to help move Linda's son from his frat house to a different house. While Linda and Elaine were doing that, Gus and Trudy decided to go on the campus and take a look around. They were going to visit Professor Gnome, a distant cousin of Gus'.
Elaine and Linda dropped Gus and Trudy off in front of a vine covered cottage. Professor Gnome lived in the Oak Tree behind the cottage. Gus knocked on the door and Professor Gnome's housekeeper, Gretchen, escorted them in.
Gretchen asked them to sit down and she brought cakes and tea for them. Professor Gnome walked in and they had a delightful tea. Professor Gnome told them all kinds of fantastic stoires about his travels around the world. His specialty was "Gnomeology" - the study of gnomes throughout history and throughout the world.
He told them about the wild gnomes of Borneo and the very sedate gnomes of Frankfurt. he had high hopes of one day going to New Zealand to see if it was true about a race of gnomes living there--in the wilderness. Gus and Trudy said that they would love to accompany him on his next trip and it was agreed that they would be his assistants.
Gus noticed that the weather was starting to turn. So he thanked Professor Gnome for his kindness and he and Trudy flew home to their home in the orderly home on Bloomfield Avenue.
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