Trudy had spent the morning watching Elane in the garden. She heard Elaine mumbling and complaining about the groundhog who continued to snack on her vegetables. She heard Elaine making plans to make her garden :groundhog proof" for next summer. Then she saw Elaine sit down, take a big gulp from her water bottle, and say,"These really are the dog days of summer."
That got Trudy to thinking. Were dogs going to start coming over to the garden? Did these days belong only to the dogs? Would it rain dogs without the cats? What was it about these days that made it the dog days of summer?
She headed into the little house that she shared with Gus. She asked Gus about the dog days of summer. He shrugged and then started to get worried too. he certainly did not want dogs to spend all the days in his garden. he wanted these days to belong to everyone. This was going to be a problem.
Do YOU know what the dog days of summer are? Maybe you could leave a note for Gus and Trudy and let them know!
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