Gus and Trudy met a new neighbor today. Old Gnome had moved into the oak tree hollow in the front yard. What was the most exciting part was that Old Gnome had a Turtle move in with him.
"I'm so old now," Old Gnome grumbled" I don't want to move too fast or fly through the air or run fast on a rabbit. I just want to take my time, go slow, and smell the roses."
Gus and Trudy helped Old Gnome off of Turtle.
"Hello! My name is Gus and this is my dear friend Trudy. We live in the gnome home in the orderly garden."
Turtle blinked very slowly and said," My.......name....is....Old Turtle....Pleased...to ...meet..you....."
Gus and Trudy thought there could be more coming from Old Turtle so they hesitated.
Old Turtle drew a big breath and let out a sigh. "Old.....Gnome....it....is....time.....for....our...nap....."
Old Gnome patted Old Turtle's back and chuckled. "Yes my old friend it is time for our after-breakfast-but-before-lunch-nap."
Old Gnome waved to Gus and Trudy and helped Old Turtle into the hollow of the oak tree in the front yard.