Gus and Trudy really enjoy going to the beach and they both enjoy helping people. They thought it would be a good idea to become lifeguards at the beach. That way they could combine the two things they loved - being at the beach and helping others.
They weren't really sure what they needed to do to become beach lifeguards. They decided to go to Ocean Grove and ask the lifeguards there about how to become one of them.
Gus climbed on Trudy's back and off they flew to the beach.
The lifeguards kind of looked at them funny.
"I don't think we have ever had a gnome or an owl lifeguard before," the head lifeguard stated.
"You know you have to be able to pull people out of the water," said the second lifeguard,"and we get some pretty big people here."
"I am sure that Trudy and I could handle it," Gus said with certainty.
The head lifeguard looked them up and down. "Why don't you sit with us today and see what it is all about."
Gus and Trudy found a seat on the chair and sat with the lifeguards. They watched to guards run their laps up and down the beach, put up the chair and set up the lifeguard station. They watched them get into the rowboat and row through the waves and then back and forth in the ocean. They watched the lifeguards swim their laps also.
As the beach began to fill Gus and Trudy watched the lifeguards puling people who couldn't swim very well out of the water. They watched the lifeguards blowing their whistles to get people off the jetty. And when the people pretended they couldn't hear the whistles, the lifeguards had to run down the beach to the jetty and tell them to get off. The lifeguards took care of cuts and scrapes, helped an old lady put up her umbrella and answered many , many questions.
And all the time they were doing this they had to keep their eyes on the water. They had to make sure that they watched all the people in the water and kept them safe. There were lots of people in the water. And it was hot, hot sitting in the glaring sun all day.
Gus and Trudy looked at each other. It was loud and it was hot and some of the people were very annoying.
The head lifeguard watched them. "Gus and Trudy, we have many lifeguards on the beach all during the day. Maybe you could come in the evening or earl early in the morning just to make sure the beach is alright. You would be protectors of the beach."
Gus and Trudy loved the idea. They really liked the cool quiet times of the evening and the early early morning. The fact that there wouldn't be many if any people around was a bonus also.
they agreed to become protectors of the beach. They shook hands with the lifeguards and left to go home and take a nap. It had been exhausting watching the guards do all that work!
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